Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Chandler and Heath well checkup

Today was the boy's 5 & 3 year old checkups. Neither of them had to have any shots!!! They were both very excited and of course I was relieved!! Chandler is 40 3/4 pounds (50%) and 42 inches tall (35%). He has 20/25 vision and his hearing is perfect. Dr. Stone said that his hearing and vision are both above normal for his age. Heath is 31 pounds (40%) and 36 1/2 inches tall (25%). His eye sight is great too. His hearing test came back with a low score on his left ear but she checked it and said he has some wax build-up that might be causing a false reading. She was not concerned about it. I also asked her to do a urine test on him because he goes to the potty about every 30 minutes - 1 hour. That test came back great too so she said he is probably too busy to empty his bladder completely so he goes more often. So, both boys are happy, healthy, good boys!

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