Friday, July 25, 2008

Update on Dylan

I forgot two things:
Dylan's IVIG was approved so his first infusion is August 5th.
Last night at dinner, Matt gave Dylan more food and, plain as day, Dylan said , "Thank you Daddy" Matt and I both were amazed! I'm glad someone else was here to hear him because it was so great!

Read Daddy!

Daddy took the kids outside to play while I was making dinner. It was too hot (notice the red, sweaty faces) so they came back inside. Daddy sat outside of the "Baby Toy Closet" and of course, got sat on and handed books! They all LOVE to read. Hanna will say, "Weed, Weed"
Matt, Dylan and Hanna
Heath, Matt, Dylan and Hanna
Heath, Matt and Dylan
(Not sure what Chandler was during all of this...)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nothing to do... too hot!!

Here are some misc. pictures I've taken this week... We've been kinda busy but kinda bored too! It's just been too hot to do anything!
This picture shows Hanna's goofy personality! As you can see, they are both wet. They were outside playing and got into the water then came in for a snack.
A better pic of the duo
Chandler is having golf lessons every morning this week so the other three and I have to find things to do for that hour. I don't want to go home because I would only be there for 15-20 minutes before turning around again. So, we've spent our time running some errands that I need to do anyway! Here are Heath, Hanna and Dylan in the shopping cart. I had two people ask me if they were triplets because the twins are catching up with Heath! Believe it or not, this was only the SECOND time the twins have been to Target! Dylan was purposely looking the other way... I said, "Dylan, say cheese" and he looked forward, started laughing and looked out of the corner of his eye!
Hanna is learning to push her riding toy with her feet
Dylan riding the rocking horse
Hanna got this pot out of the cabinet and took it into the living room. I asked Heath to take it back and put it away and this is how he wore it back into the kitchen!
Chandler feeding Hanna yogurt
Heath feeding Dylan yogurt
Where were these feeding helpers during the baby food stage?!?! :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hanna's ouchie

Yesterday I went to pick up Hanna and Dylan from the nursery at church. She saw me, ran to me and tripped on a toy. She had her paci in her mouth and landed right on her nose. This is a picture I took of her this morning after her diaper change. I at first thought she busted her nose but then after it stopped bleeding, I realized it had just cut where her nose meets her face. Thankfully, one of the guys in my life team helped me to the car because I was having a time getting her calmed down and getting all the other kids to the car!

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Chandler's FIRST golf lesson

Today was Chandler's first golf lesson! He will be going every morning for one hour this week. He was SOOOO excited! He's been looking forward to it for almost a month! Last night he couldn't sleep so at 11:45 I told him, "Chan, you have to go to sleep because you have to get up early in the morning for your golf lessons." He went to sleep and got up at 6am and asked me, "Is it early??" I said, "Yes! Too early! Go back to sleep for about an hour." :)
Coach Russell is the club pro that is helping teach the lessons. They split the boys and girls and the boys went to the range. Tomorrow they will switch and the boys will be working on their short game with Coach David.
Chandler waiting patiently... well, maybe not so patiently! He was too excited to be patient!
Chandler very excited to get started!
Chandler listening to instruction
Chandler mimicking Coach Russell
Chandler teeing up his ball
Chandler hitting his driver

Coach Russell helping Chandler with his hand placement
Coach Russell checking it out
Chandler hitting on the range
The boys had a "closest to the pin" contest. Chandler and another boy tied so they both got a logo ball! It's already in Chan's golf collection!

Kim's Birthday at Uncle Joe Joe's house

On Saturday, the kids and I went to Joe's house for Kim's Birthday Party.
Joe - Matt's brother; Amy - Matt's younger sister; Mamaw - Matt's mom; Pap - Matt's step dad
Heath and Mommy
Mommy and Dylan
Heath was afraid to jump off the diving board so Kent (Joe's friend) helped him out a little. And, of course, Uncle Joe Joe was there to catch him.
Hanna aka Beauty beside the pool!
Dylan being a little too brave for Mommy's liking! Right after I took this picture, he was turning around and his foot slipped a little and he ALMOST fell into the pool! And it's 10-12 feet deep right there!

Aunt Amy and Hanna
Hanna reluctantly gong to Mamaw
Chandler and Heath helping Pap open his birthday presents.

Friday, July 18, 2008

No great picture moments lately...

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted... we really have been boring this week. Well... maybe not boring, life is NEVER boring around here!!! But, nothing really picture blog worthy has happened this week.
Hanna has learned to take off her diaper and does so at every nap and bedtime! She will unstick one side of her diaper and pull the other side through her shorts. I went to get them from their morning nap this morning and she had taken off her diaper, pooped and still had her shorts on! But no, it didn't just stay in her shorts... :( I invested in trusty duct tape today that I am trying. I taped the front of her diaper shut (over the existing straps). We'll see how that works! Potty training is right around the corner for that girl!
Dylan is doing better and better all the time. He has started saying "Bubba, Bubba, Bubba" this week. Yes, thank you and Bubba before MOMMY!!! He has started playing outside with the other kids without me being by his side all the time. And he continues to do very well with shaking his head yes and no!
Chandler and Heath had Vacation Bible School every morning from 9-11 at Button Methodist Church. They loved it. As the week went on, they had a hard time getting up each morning.
I turned in my offer letter to Button Memorial Lil' Angels Kids Day Out this week. I am officially their 2s teacher for the 2008-2009 school year. I am not teaching the twins (they are in the 1s) but they will be across the hall from me. And Heath will be down the hall a few doors. -- It's not a huge facility! It is Monday and Wednesdays.
I also have begun gathering Chandler's school supplies. Now I know why my mom hated school shopping! And to think that we did it all in one day every year!!! :) Yuck! I spent 30 minutes today looking for the specific spiral notebooks, plastic folders with brads AND pockets, a specific brand of water colors... the teachers are picky! :) Next time that Matt comes home we are going to take Chandler to pick out his backpack and school box. All the other stuff I've gotten here and there but we want him to pick out those things. My peace maker of the house is going to Kindergarten!! :(
We're going to Uncle Joe Joe's house tomorrow so I'm sure I'll have pictures then!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our new ride

I got us a really cool wagon train on craigslist! It is Little Tikes Step 2 Choo Choo Wagon Train. It came with three 'cars' but up to 5 can be attached. I'm on the look out for one more car. But, it is going to work perfectly for taking Chandler to school. As most of you know, Chan's school is at the end of our block so he can ride his bike. Heath gets tired on his tricycle after about 1/2 block so this will be awesome! Each car has a buckle and a cup holder. The front car's seat raises up for storage. The kids and I picked it up this afternoon and took it for a test drive after Life Team tonight.

Turning around at the end of the street
Here are just a few random pictures of the kids in the car...
Heathie Boyzer
Beautiful 'Neigh Neigh' - she looks so great in blue! When I found out she was a girl, I said, "I'm so sick of blue! This girl is never going to wear anything blue - only pink!" But with her beautiful blue eyes, she looks awesome in blue! Go figure!?!?!
DeeDee ready to go eat after church

Aidan's 5th Birthday Party

The boys and I went to a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Aidan played T-Ball with Chandler last year. They have a huge 1 acre lot with a very nice pool. They also had a water slide which the boys loved!!! Chandler kept saying, "This is the best birthday party EVER!!!"
Chandler coming down the slide
Heath coming down the water slide. He was too scared to go up the first time so I went up with him. He wasn't scared after that!
Heath coming down - check out his face!! :)
Chandler trying to do a twist trick!

Mommy and Heath in the pool
Chandler standing up on the side of the hot tub while I was in the pool taking his picture.
Chandler wearing his goggles that I bought on the way to the party.
Heath in the pool with a Donkey float - it was a Shrek birthday party!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More of Dylan's wardrobe

Dylan likes to wear silly things to make us laugh!

Today he has enjoyed wearing these earmuffs that he found. Then this afternoon he found this hat to add! As you can see by the look on his face, he knows he is silly!

Yesterday it was two hats and Hanna's paci upside down! :)

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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Babysitter Saga

You have to hear this story of what happened today! Ms. Joy had foot surgery on Monday so she was off this week. To take her place, I asked our teenage babysitter, Taylor, to come over for a little while. When I got home from grocery shopping today, she told me a very disturbing/funny story! She said that Heath and Chandler were playing outside and the twins were inside. Heath came in to use the potty. She said she saw him go to the bathroom and then come out and go back outside. In about 2 minutes Dylan was out of her sight so she went looking for him. As she rounded the corner out of the kitchen, he was coming down the hall with a BIG Heath poop in his hands!!! She was quick on her feet and grabbed him by the wrists and walked him back to the bathroom where she shook the poop out of his hands back into the potty. She then proceeded to scrub his and her hands!!! Taylor said that Dylan was very mad at her for making him give up the poop and even more mad that she was scrubbing and scrubbing his hands!
I'm sorry that Taylor had to deal with that today but I'm kinda glad I missed that fiasco!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Breakfast dress code - Hat, sunglasses, flannel pajamas!

Dylan likes to wear hats and sunglasses. This morning the hat and sunglasses were sitting on the stairs. As I carried him down for breakfast, he saw them and HAD to wear them! (and he had to have the phone too)

Laundry Helpers

The boys like to help with laundry. Chandler knows light from dark but Heath is still learning. He asks me every piece of laundry, "Dark or light?" Last time we were sorting laundry, he was doing the same thing... besides he was asking, "Dark or sunny?" :)
Heath diving in the laundry hamper for a few pieces of clothes at the very bottom
Heath asking, "Dark or light?"
Heath sorting laundry
Heath putting all the "light" laundry back into the hamper to move to the laundry room
Both boys sorting laundry
Chandler putting the "dark" laundry back into the hamper to be moved to the laundry room
Chandler trying to pick up all the laundry at once!