Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Poor little Froggie

Heath was helping me take the letter to the mailbox. When we got out there, there was a big frog that had been run over by a car. I showed it to Heath and told him not to touch it. (Knowing Heath he would have picked it up if I hadn't told him not to!) Anyway, he examined it as I put the letter in the mailbox. Then I told him to come on and let's go back inside. As we were walking away, he turned around and ran back over to the frog and said, "Bye Bye Froggie. I sorry I run over you." It was so cute! I laughed and of course, he continued to say it over and over because he knew he was cute. I know some of you are glad that is all he did because I know as you were reading, you thought the worst! ;)
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